Mayo Pride
Sexual Health West - Testing & Info Pop Up
Sexual Health West - Testing & Info Pop Up
10 am - 1 pm, Saturday, June 1st & Sunday, June 2nd. Room 5, Upstairs at the Grove Medical Centre, Mill St, Westport. Please use the side door.
Sexual Health West is proud to offer Rapid HIV and Syphilis testing at Mayo Pride.
Rapid HIV and Syphilis testing is quick, easy and relatively pain-free. Testing for HIV and Syphilis is hugely important in order for people to #KnowYourStatus. Our staff will be on hand to talk you through any questions or concerns on the day.
People living with HIV who are on treatment cannot transmit the virus to another person. Undetectable = Untransmittable U=U
Sexual Health West staff will also be on hand Saturday 2pm - 4pm, at The Towers on the Quay in Westport with an information stall. Please drop by for a chat, or to pick up some freebies!
If you have any questions please email: